Jessica Falcon: The Path to Reclaim Feminine Sovereign Power Written by Rosa Linda Fallon

Author, Speaker and former Criminal Prosecutor Jessica Falcon’s fiery passion for women’s equality began before she was even ten years old, catapulting her into a career of advocacy. “I have had this innate passion and desire since a very young age,” she says. Her advocacy for women suffering from domestic violence began when she was in college. Jessica founded an organization called Students Stand Up Against Violence where she spoke at rallies, led vigils, and formed a group of advisors to create university policies on relationship violence. She also answered hotline calls for female victims of domestic violence during her time in college. After graduation, Jessica decided to go to law school because she knew that as a woman, having a law degree behind her name would cause more people to listen to her. She worked as a criminal prosecutor from 2006 to 2012, but after a series of catastrophic events, she felt that her career path didn’t make sense anymore. 

“My soul had a longing for something else,” she explains. “All I knew is that I had this deep feeling that I pushed down for many years telling me that I needed to go somewhere for three months.” So, she left everything behind and set out on a pilgrimage to Europe. 

On September 1, 2013, Jessica was walking up La Sainte Baume, a sacred mountain range in France. “A man turned around in front of me on the trail and a deep voice inside told me, ‘He’s your soulmate,’” Jessica says, recalling the experience. She did not find it surprising because she knew that her meeting this man was “predestined,” as she describes having visions and dreams of the exact day and location where she would meet him months prior. She was swept into a whirlwind fairytale romance, but it wasn’t long before the relationship took a turn for the worst. “I thought he was going to change his behavior, that he was going to realize how much I loved him,” Jessica says, reliving the experience of what unfortunately turned into an abusive relationship. But the longer she was with him, she began to wake up and realize what was happening to her. “I started to study our dynamics when we were together. I saw the more I spoke up, the more violent he became. I saw that the more I did what he wanted me to do, he didn’t get upset,” she explains. 

The mystery Jessica sought to unravel was how she ended up in the exact circumstances she had spent her entire life advocating against. After leaving the relationship, she began studying religious history, ancient civilizations, and mythology to uncover the belief systems at the root of violence against women. “I wanted to understand what was directing my subconscious mind, and why I felt the way I did,” she says. What she discovered was that even though she was consciously advocating for women’s equality and freedom, she was subconsciously bound to the inherited and deeply rooted suppressive attitudes toward women carried down for thousands of years. “Even though women have made strides for equality, the beliefs we have inherited are still deeply embedded in the individual and collective psyche,” Jessica describes. Now, her work focuses on teaching women how to pull themselves out of the roots of oppression so they can fully reclaim their Sovereignty and reconnect with their souls. The path to Sovereignty, as Jessica explains, is made up of three important steps: Remember, Reclaim, and Reveal. To Remember is to recognize that it wasn’t always this way; women were sovereign and free long before new belief systems were put in place that refuse to recognize the divinity of women. The Reclaim step is reclaiming oneself from all of the beliefs, conditioning and fear that keeps one in hiding and separated from one’s authentic self. To Reveal is when one has created enough internal safety to fully reveal one’s true essence to the world. Jessica says the body is an essential piece of this process, as it holds the subconscious mind. “It is through the body that we remember ancient feminine wisdom and hear the truth of our soul,” she expresses, referring to the freedom women held over 5,000 years ago. “We cannot wait for others to recognize our divinity to feel and to be free; it is up to us to claim our own worthiness, our own divinity, and our own power now.” She says that this is ultimately what will end violence against women and create the sacred and conscious relationships we desire.

Jessica is looking forward to publishing her first book Prosecutor Prostitute Priestess, expected in 2023. Her book will tell the story of how she left a successful career as a prosecutor, stepped on a plane for a spiritual pilgrimage to Europe, and landed in an abusive relationship which forced her to question what true power really is and where it comes from. What she hopes women will learn from reading this book is that they are not alone, that this is every woman’s story (not just hers), and that we, as women, have the power to rewrite our story, one word at a time. 

Jessica works one-on-one with clients, offers group programs, and a 6-week self-study program to Activate Your Inner Power. To learn more about Jessica and how you can work with her, visit her website

Jessica Falcon

Author, Speaker & Wayshower 

Instagram: @thepathtosovereignty



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