The Hope Chest: Supporting Women with Breast and Gynecologic Cancers in Western North Carolina Written by Emily Euchner

The Hope Chest for Women began in 2003 when a local group of concerned oncology doctors and nurses started a “patient fund” that allowed the staff to donate funds out-of-pocket towards patients’ critical needs. The burden of the high cost of cancer treatments is too much for some families to bear, and the doctors observed time and time again that women choose between taking care of their families or receiving cancer treatments. Imagine deciding between buying groceries or medicine. 

That’s why Hope Chest for Women, now a 501(c)(3) organization, offers gift cards for groceries, and even gas, knowing that there are many outlying communities from where it is a long commute to the doctor’s office. Through direct bill pay assistance, Hope Chest is able to help with car payments and repairs, medical bills, rent and mortgage payments, and more. Each year, an estimated 100 women receive $600.00-$900.00 in direct assistance through the organization. When the maximum is reached, their referral system connects women with a cancer diagnosis to local and national support. Often, nurses will print out the application for assistance for those they see are in need of help. There is also an easy online application form. 

Cancer treatments can leave a person physically and emotionally drained, making them temporarily unable to work. If they are not below the poverty line, they will not qualify for other forms of assistance. Money to cover most basic needs will go a long way for patients who need to focus on paying for their cancer treatments. As a non-profit, Hope Chest relies heavily on donations. Donors are given the option to make a donation in memory and honor of a loved one who was diagnosed with cancer. Each month, the number of requests for assistance the team at Hope Chest receives increases, and they want to be able to do everything they can for the community.

The Hope Chest for Women’s annual Here’s Hope event fundraising luncheon will be on Saturday, October 15 at the Morris Hellenic Cultural Center. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from women who have received help throughout the years. They will also model local fashion items, and a raffle and auction will help raise money for the organization. A little bit of help can go a long way on the road to recovery. 

For more information, visit 

Contact the Executive Director, Kim Battle with any inquiries.

Phone: 828-708-3017

Fax: 828-348-6164


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