Pretty In Pink Foundation Connects Breast Cancer Patients with Care

by Tara Coppedge, Pretty In Pink Foundation Director of Marketing and Communications

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis is earth shattering. But can you imagine getting this devastating news and then realizing your insurance won’t cover the expensive treatments? For some women, the financial stress is so overwhelming, they choose not to follow through with their treatment plan.

That’s where Pretty In Pink Foundation comes in. Their mission is to provide uninsured and under-insured breast cancer patients in North Carolina with financial assistance for quality, life-saving medical treatment. They provide grants to qualifying breast cancer patients (called Champions) to help with surgeries, chemotherapy administration, radiation therapy, insurance co-pays, deductibles, and premiums, as well as COBRA. 

“Our goal is to remove the financial barrier to care so these patients can receive treatment and beat this horrible disease,” says Becky Horn, executive director of Pretty In Pink. “We also try to alleviate any stress and pay the medical providers directly so our Champions can focus on taking care of themselves.” 

The small nonprofit organization served their first Champion in 2006. It’s a vision brought to life by Dr. Lisa Tolnitch, a retired breast cancer surgeon. She saw the need firsthand when some of her patients would not follow through with their treatment plans. “When I dug deeper, I realized these patients would be making impossible choices—like whether to pay for groceries or their chemotherapy,” says Tolnitch “No one should ever have to make that choice. I knew I had to do something to help these vulnerable patients.”

Nearly twenty years later, Pretty In Pink Foundation has helped thousands of Champions across North Carolina—serving 98 of our 100 counties. In 2022, Pretty In Pink served 408 Champions- 270 uninsured and under-insured breast cancer patients received funds to pay for surgery, chemotherapy administration, and radiation treatment. Nearly 140 more breast cancer patients were served through their Beyond the Ribbon program. 

But those numbers are skyrocketing. So far this year, Pretty In Pink has been receiving nearly double the amount of applications every month. “We’ve been able to serve every qualified applicant who has come to us for help,” says Tolnitch. “That’s our goal and our small staff of five is working tirelessly to make sure that doesn’t change. But we’re looking to the community for help.”

Pretty In Pink Foundation receives no state or federal funding and relies on grants, their signature fundraising events, and support from the community to fulfill their mission. You can support Pretty In Pink Foundation in various ways. Donate, volunteer, fundraise or attend one of their signature events. The 7th annual Pink Pumps & Bow Ties Gala is October 21st at Prestonwood Country Club in Cary. Guests will enjoy cocktails, an elegant dinner, entertainment, a live auction, and a Champagne Diamond Giveaway! It’s a fabulous event that draws more than 200 people. The 3rd annual Triple Crown Casino Night is April 19th 2024 at Legacy Stables in Winston-Salem. The fun and unique event includes casino gaming, auction items, and a fabulous dinner.

“These events are both amazing and really engage the guests with our mission,” says Horn. “We try to hit home that their donations are truly life-saving. As researchers are looking for a cure, there are women and men across the state who are battling this disease right now—who need our help. Because no matter your financial situation, everyone deserves the same chance to beat this disease.” 

If you’d like more information, or to donate, go to or email Becky Horn at


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