Micro-Makeovers: 5 Small Ways to Make Over Your Life in a Shifting Economy

By Rebekah mccubbins

Have you seen the price of eggs lately? As our economy changes, every aspect of our lives is getting more expensive, and the burden of finding ways to cut costs often falls on women. But economic instability doesn’t mean you have to give up life’s little joys. You can still find small ways to “make over” your life in 2023 while pinching pennies. From your beauty routine to your home decor, here are a few tips to help you live your best life in this shifting economy.


Want to make changes to your beauty routine without breaking the bank? Start by looking at the foundation of your routine. Are you setting yourself up for an affordable routine? For instance, some haircuts require more daily styling products or frequent visits to the salon. Instead of asking your hairstylist for a high-maintenance cut like the wolf cut or curtain bangs, ask for a simpler cut. 

If you want to upgrade your makeup game, watch a tutorial for a new makeup trend and replicate it using your existing products. Don’t be afraid to color outside the lines–many makeup products can be applied beyond their intended use. For instance, try using your blush as a contour product for a softer contour. When buying new products, purchase one at a time and learn how to use it before making another purchase.


Fashion trends change over time, and, naturally, you may want to update your wardrobe to match the latest trends. If the economy has you tightening your budget, consider how you can make small changes to your current wardrobe rather than replacing all of your clothes. 

Like your beauty routine, a “micro-makeover” for your wardrobe starts at the foundation. Focus on your basics. Do you have neutral pieces like solid-colored tops and pants? Try moving these to a separate section of your closet so you can easily find them. When you know your basics, you can make small purchases of trendy accessories to keep your wardrobe fresh.


Want to apply the “micro-makeover” concept to your home? You can make small changes to your home decor to refresh your aesthetic without breaking the bank. 

Before you make any purchases, start with a deep clean. Get all the clutter out of the way; dust; rearrange your furniture so each room feels “new.” This will give you a fresh perspective as you consider further changes. 

Once you’ve cleaned and reorganized, decide on a few small, inexpensive changes. Change your throw pillow covers. Buy a new set of kitchen towels. Find vintage trinkets at your local thrift store.

Still want to make a major change? Pick just one. Then you can focus on finding ways to cut costs on that specific project. If you want to repaint, choose from your home improvement store’s discounted paints. Want to re-tile your backsplash? Look for a deal. Start at your local thrift store–they often have buckets of paint, lumber, and other home renovation supplies available at low prices. Otherwise, try to connect with a locally owned and operated business that may be able to help you find budget-friendly options.


If your 2023 resolutions list included “learn a new hobby,” you may feel like you have to give that up. After all, if your budget is tight, how can you justify investing in a new hobby?

While you may need to adjust your expectations, you do not need to abandon hobbies altogether. In fact, a hobby can be a fantastic alternative to going out every weekend. The important thing is to choose the right hobby.

Before you decide to invest, do your research. Find out how people are engaging in the hobby in their everyday lives. Learn about the necessary “setup” costs of the hobby and the ways that you can keep it affordable as you get started. Try to choose an inexpensive hobby that can be learned through free tutorials.

If your heart is set on a more expensive hobby, join a few online communities of fellow hobbyists. For advice about cost-cutting, check Reddit. To find pre-owned resources, join a Facebook group specific to the hobby. Most hobby communities are full of people who are passionate about what they do and excited to help others get started.


Wellness doesn’t have to be expensive. You can learn no-cost wellness practices online through blogs, video tutorials, and social media. Find a beginner’s yoga class on Youtube, or learn meal prep hacks on TikTok.

There are plenty of wellness practices that you can start without any prior knowledge. Take a walk; start journaling; drink more water. You can make over your wellness in small ways without spending money.

The Bottom Line

A shifting economy can cause fear and anxiety, but you don’t have to stop living your life. Even as you re-work your budget, you can find ways to implement “micro-makeovers” to improve your life. If you remember anything, remember this: focus on your foundation, start with the basics, and keep it simple.


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