Serial Entrepreneur Jordan King on Looking at it All As an Experiment

By meg hale brunton

Photo Credit: Tiffany McFalls

Strategic Business Advisor and Founder of Easy Scaling, Jordan King, accepted a long time ago that running your own business is built on continually taking leaps of faith. “It’s ups and downs, but it’s great,” she says of operating Easy Scaling. “The most important thing to know is that it’s all an experiment and you can’t know if it’s gonna work until you try it.”

Originally from a small town in Missouri, Jordan says that she never ran a lemonade stand as a kid, but was always the coordinator of the clubs and activities that she participated in with her childhood friends. “I enjoy starting things and telling other people what to do,” she admits, half-joking, a characteristic that has evolved over time into a professional role.

She started her first business with her mother, after the two went through the exhaustive process of applying for college scholarships. Jordan and her mom learned everything they could on the subject, and realized how useful their knowledge could be to others. In 2013, they wrote a book called ScholarPrep, and created a web-based business of the same name with corresponding digital products, all with the goal of coaching people on how to apply for and get scholarships, and to prepare for college in general. “I think a lot of entrepreneurs fall into entrepreneurship that way,” Jordan explains. “We had an idea, saw a need for it, and followed it.”  

When looking back on ScholarPrep, Jordan says she feels it was successful because she learned so much about how a business works. “It was a long journey of learning,” she acknowledges. “I look at that business as a really great experiment.” She eventually sold the business, giving Jordan the opportunity to use her newfound skills to start another business with a friend of hers in 2018, this time for the purpose of supporting female business owners. 

The new company, FEMastermind, started as an in-person program, offering education, coaching and support for women who were trying to grow their businesses. The goal of the original program was to provide practical tools to navigate business, while also giving the women access to a tight-knit community to lean on for support. The model worked so well, however, that the business eventually evolved into a curriculum to teach other business owners how to create and launch their own masterminds and group programs. 

Wanting to pursue their own goals, the two decided to split the business, with Jordan retaining all the IP and program information and her partner maintaining the brand. “I didn’t feel super aligned with my first two businesses,” Jordan admits, adding that both ventures were technically started by accident. In June 2021, Jordan started Easy Scaling, a business that streamlined woman-owned businesses through implementation and strategy. “This business was not started by accident. It was an obvious path; there was no other option.”

According to Jordan, most businesses are created by visionaries and ‘idea people’. Those people, however, do not often know a great deal about things like design, strategy, marketing, copywriting and tech stuff. That’s where Easy Scaling comes in. They put together a comprehensive plan for what the business needs to progress, focusing on generating more money and making more of an impact in less time. To do this, Easy Scaling has put together a team of experts in their individual fields to work to bring each aspect of the business up to the level at which it needs to be. “Everyone is going to  have to outsource things,” Jordan says of business roles. “No one can do everything. It’s not possible.” 

Within days of having the idea for Easy Scaling, Jordan already had two clients. By July, she had obtained her LLC and EIN and decided to invest heavily in developing a Facebook ads strategy and funnel. Two weeks later, she found out she was pregnant with her second child. Knowing that she wanted to take a maternity leave, and would have two small children at home, she started planning ahead. “It means that you have to build your business in a very different way than you’d planned,” Jordan says of the situation. 

After a month, she had put together a team of about twelve contractors, which as things continued to escalate, was bumped up to a team of twenty. “I’m deep in [my clients’] businesses on the strategy side,” Jordan explains, adding that the rest of her time is working on Easy Scaling – the visibility of the company, networking, interacting with clients, and coordinating the team. Jordan is also host of her own Easy Scaling podcast, where she has conversations with other business women on ways to improve different aspects of their businesses. She is currently working on several podcast mini-series, including one on juggling mom life and business life.   

Jordan says that it is simultaneously fun and stressful, being at the helm of a thriving business. While Jordan admits that her goals for her company’s future are lofty, she says that they feel very attainable at the company’s current pace and hopes to, one day, make Easy Scaling a household name in the online space. She finds that a key factor in this is having a very loyal and committed team, as well as the support of her family and her coach. “It is a constant practice,” she says. “You have to have support. It’s constant breakdowns and breakthroughs. It doesn’t get easier. The stakes get higher and higher, the more successful you are.”

Jordan also encourages all her clients to have a clear understanding of their own business goals, as well as a pre-established set of SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures) for the people they work with. She also advises other entrepreneurs to champion versatility, since so much in the business world is constantly shifting. “There can be a lot of pressure for everything to be perfect,” Jordan says, adding that this notion is just not realistic. “Always be ready to pivot and change.”

At 32, Jordan is already an expert on all things involving operations and scaling in the business world. While Jordan says that it is always the goal to make a business self-sustaining, she is not-in-the-slightest looking forward to retirement.  “Entrepreneurship is an interesting gig. There’s a lot of risk involved; there’s a lot of leaps of faith, but I very much enjoy it,” she says. “There’s something different in really enjoying what you do that makes it feel easy. I enjoy working. I don’t see myself ever just sitting around.” 

To learn more about Easy Scaling, visit their website:


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