Rita Lee: A Force in the Western North Carolina Real Estate Industry

Written by Rosa Linda Fallon

As a child, Rita Lee's second-grade teacher recognized her as a 'natural-born leader’. Always brimming with creativity, Rita now serves as the Owner and Principal Broker of Rita Lee & Associates Realty Group, the sole fully Black-owned and operated real estate firm in Western North Carolina. Since 2006, Rita has dedicated herself to being a full-time real estate broker. In 2021 she took the bold step of establishing her own firm. When other agents began seeking her guidance as a person of color in the industry, her firm started to grow. Today, with a team of five agents, Rita thrives as a coach, mentor, and advocate for both her clients and her team, leaving her mark on the real estate industry.

Having grown up in Asheville, Rita's upbringing involved assisting her mother in running the family's daycare center. Naturally, she followed in her family's footsteps and became a preschool teacher. It was while residing in Charlotte that she stumbled upon a sign advertising a real estate license class, prompting her to consider a career change. After obtaining her license, Rita worked as a real estate assistant at a firm in Charlotte, where she learned about the home buying process and the qualification of potential clients. This included assisting them in pulling credit reports and organizing their financial information. 

Today, Rita goes above and beyond to leverage her knowledge, guiding and educating first-time home buyers right from the start. "What I love most about real estate is being able to embark on a person's journey from the very beginning," she shares. Prior to referring her buyers to a lender, Rita offers comprehensive credit and financial advice to help them position themselves for a home loan. "As the expert, it is my responsibility to guide them towards that goal. Walking them through the process and witnessing their ability to purchase a home is immensely gratifying."

Rita acknowledges that being a black woman in this industry can present challenges. "Not all individuals are receptive to having a black woman represent them in the process of buying or selling their most significant asset," she reveals. However, she remains undeterred, noting that the right clients always seem to find her, and vice versa. Rita attributes this to her unwavering commitment to serving others, driven by her immense love and compassion.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Rita has faced personal struggles as well. At the age of 35 in 2015, she received a breast cancer diagnosis. Fortunately, it was caught in time before it could spread. Reflecting on her experience, she expresses gratitude for conquering the battle, acknowledging that her presence today is owed to the support of her husband and doctor. This battle with cancer has given her a fresh perspective on life. “It was timing and God,” she acknowledges, adding to that list a persistent doctor. “If I didn’t have a persistent doctor, then I wouldn’t be here today.”

Deeply rooted in her faith, Rita credits God for the blessings in her life. She hails from a lineage of strong, independent women who were all business owners, and her husband has been a constant pillar of support as she built her business. Additionally, her two children serve as her motivation. “My children are definitely my driving force,” she says, adding that her kids learned a lot about the house-buying process, growing up with a mom in real estate. “I integrate real estate with my kids by teaching them about credit and being financially responsible. My kids are hard workers.” 

While she takes pride in her origins, Rita remains acutely aware of the untold stories and the historic struggles faced by her African American ancestors. “Where the African American people have been left out, is the accumulation of wealth over time,” she explains. “Going back to the Civil War, there were 40 acres that were promised that were retracted. Also, the GI bill did not apply to Black Veterans, even though they were promised it.” She goes on to say that violence in African-American communities caused destruction to what was built, forcing those that lived there to have to start all over again. Rita is determined to change this narrative by bridging the gap between people of color and the achievement of homeownership. 

Now, having been a real estate broker for 18 years, as well as owner of Rita Lee and Associates Realty Group, Rita loves using the skills she has built up in her long career to help make someone’s dream of home ownership come true. The skills she uses most to equip and support her clients, and get them to the closing table, are her integrity, work ethic, and problem-solving skills. “If there is anything they’re not quite there yet [on], then I’ll help them come up with a plan.”

For more information on Rita Lee, visit her company’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/thencrealestategirl/


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