Just Breathe…

Written by Stephany Semones, CMF 

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that when you get in your car, you can't shake the lingering thoughts such as: “If I just keep driving, I could start over somewhere. Maybe I could get a job waitressing at a local diner and just, you know, get by, with much less stress and responsibility.” I know I have. Instead, I take a deep breath and I show up to whatever meeting or planned function that’s on my calendar (I’m also supposed to be at another function in an hour, by the way). At this point, I’ve spent the 15–30 minute drive either daydreaming about what my new life could look like, or why the idea would be a total disaster. I remind myself that I’ve worked so hard, and to look at how far I’ve come. I check the mirror, smile to myself (while also checking my teeth for whatever “meal” I’ve barely had time to chew on the drive), gather my belongings, and step out into my life.  

Life has a way of adding stress to already seemingly stressful times. Sometimes, this is our own doing as human beings. Other times, it can be circumstantial. Our minds can sometimes help us escape, even if it’s just for fifteen minutes. Those self-help books about boundaries tout tips and tricks, and let’s be honest — they often have great life lessons. When I find myself spiraling out of control in my “I’M STRESSED” mode, I have learned, through much trial and error, to use a few of these tried and true tips and tricks. Let me share them with you. 

  1. Breathe: Literally, focus on your breath for just 2 minutes. Take a deep breath in. Pay attention to how you feel. Does the air feel cool or warm entering your nose? Does your chest or belly expand? Now, breathe out. How does it feel to let all that tension go? Better? Great! Do it again, and again until you feel a tiny bit calmer. 

  2. Focus on something that brings you joy – something you didn’t create. Try to get outside. Simply step outside to feel the sun (try closing your eyes here) or even the rain. It can be grounding to know that you have nothing else to do in those few moments other than feel the magnificence of life around you. 

  3. Move: Get on your feet and go for a walk. You can combine tips 1 and 2 for a pretty good little stress time-out. Walk to the next room, walk down stairs, or even walk to the restroom and back. If you really do have time to take a 30 minute break, then do it! Walk for 30 minutes and I promise, you’ll feel better. 

  4. Feel out of control? You are! Well, not really, but you cannot control everything so don’t put that kind of pressure on yourself. This is simply a reminder that you cannot do everything for everyone all the time, so let that go, sister! You are a rockstar, and wildly capable, but truthfully can only do so much. If something fails because you couldn’t give it your entire soul 100% of the time, and it’s killing you trying, it is probably supposed to fail and create room for something greater.

  5. Write or journal: Journaling is great if you are into that, but sometimes just writing a post-it note and then shredding it, or even typing a “never-to-be-seen-again” letter to yourself or someone else can be extremely beneficial. The point is, get it out! Dream of that new life, or make a pros and cons list. Plan a dream vacation. Tell yourself how truly amazing you are, and celebrate what you have accomplished (reminder: you are enough regardless of what you’ve accomplished, but sometimes it’s nice to see these things written in black and white – or pink glitter ink). 

Stephany Semones, CMF is a small business owner of Pink Regalia and Lift Your Spirits. She is also a philanthropist, wife, and poodle mom.


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