Spark Spotlight Veteran - US Air Force Nurse Gladys Estolas

Gladys Estolas has been a registered nurse for over forty years. She has always enjoyed helping those in need. Gladys became interested in joining the military during her sophomore year in high school when one of her friends introduced her to the Navy Sea Cadets in 1975. She attended boot camp in San Diego and was an active member for three years, drilling with them on the weekends. Throughout her career as a military nurse, Gladys has served at multiple air force bases nationally and internationally. Just last year, she moved to Asheville, North Carolina from California to start a new life in the mountains.

1. What inspired you to enlist? 

I already had twenty years of civilian nursing as a registered nurse. I loved my calling as a nurse and I wanted to experience what nursing was like in the military. I wanted to serve the country that gave me so much opportunity. My family immigrated to this country from the Philippines in 1969, and God has blessed us so much by bringing us here. 

2. How did you imagine military life before you joined? 

Since I was introduced to the discipline of the military in high school, I knew that it would be rigorous and challenging. I had been a nurse for twenty years before I joined active duty service. At Officer Training School (OTS), we were constantly reminded that “the needs of the Air Force comes first before nursing interests.”

3. What was the most significant experience during your time serving in the Air Force? 

The most significant experience I had was my deployment in Afghanistan. I worked as a bedside nurse in the Transitional Care Unit at Bagram Airbase. I had wanted to work at the patient’s bedside, and here was my chance. Although we did not have the most modern medical equipment and supplies, we managed to perform surgeries and post-op recovery for US soldiers, coalition forces, Afghan nationals, and detainees. The days were long and sleep was short and lacking most of the time, but thank God I came home. 

4. What occupies your time nowadays? 

I now work with the Veterans Health Administration as a Telephone Triage RN. When I left active duty in 2013, I transferred to the VA. I wanted to help my fellow veterans. I also volunteer as a nurse once a week at the free clinic at Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry (ABCCM). It is my prayer that God would use my gift, in some way, to help someone in need whether physically or spiritually. I also enjoy physical exercise. While I was in the military, I was able to complete eight marathons in four countries (Ireland, Japan, US, Canada). I like spinning on my stationary bike, weight training, and HIIT workouts. I also love the outdoors. We are so blessed by the scenic Blue Ridge Parkway. 

5. What do you recommend to women who are interested in enlisting?

I definitely recommend women enlist in the military. The military offers so many opportunities. For example, the Air Force paid for my Master’s degree in Nursing (MSN), while I was stationed overseas in England. The military also fosters a sense of camaraderie and community. Whether I was in England, Japan, or Virginia, I was also a member of Officer Christian Fellowship, and it was my family away from my immediate family. I believe the military not only teaches discipline but it also challenges our core values. God gives each of us talents and gifts, and we can use these gifts to help our fellow men.


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