5 Ways to Level Up Your Biz This Week

Want to have a great week in your business? Here are 5 ways that you can level up this week!

1: Spend 30 minutes brainstorming.

Write down every idea that comes to mind. Get it all out on the table.

2: Clean out your inboxes.

If there are messages you’ve been avoiding, now is the time to answer them! Delete anything you don’t need anymore, and declutter by moving emails into organized folders.

3: Repurpose 1 piece of content.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a blog, a social media post, or a photo you’ve already used. Just find a new way to use a piece of content in your biz!

4: Schedule 1 coffee chat.

Is there someone in your network you haven’t talked with recently? It’s time to get them on your schedule! Find out how you can help each other grow your businesses.

5: Share a recent WIN with your audience/network.

Talking about yourself can be uncomfortable. But your wins are important, and show you are an expert in your industry! People are drawn to success. Show them why they should want to work with you.


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