Spark Spotlight - Artist Andrea Leigh

Andrea Leigh holds a great appreciation for design and loves her work because she is blessed to be creative and earn a living in a constantly changing field. She also loves building relationships with her customers and seeing their dreams come to fruition. Andrea has over twenty years of cabinetry design and floor plan design in the Hendersonville area. She is a rare native and is grateful for her mountain roots.

Andrea also loves leaving a positive difference in the world with designs. This flows into her hobbies. She has been commissioned to paint murals across the South East, down to Florida. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her two sons Brayden and Haygan, kayaking and traveling.

1. How did you become interested in art?

One night, I received a text from my friend, Marti, who told me that Marti’s father, a veteran, wanted a picture of Arlington Cemetery painted on the tailgate of his truck. Why ask me?, I wondered. My mother had been a painter, but I hadn’t picked up a paintbrush since childhood. But my grandfather had been awarded the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart after serving in Korea, and my father had taught me to view veterans as heroes who were to be honored and revered. Marti’s father, Charlie, was an intimidating, opinionated figure. If he thought I could do the painting, I wasn’t about to tell him no. After Charlie came by to drop off the tailgate, I prayed for God’s guidance and inspiration and began to paint. I have since painted over 25 murals across the southeast and many on tailgates.


2. What is your favorite part or the work you do?

I love making plain walls into something artful. I see so many brick or concrete walls and want to get my hands on them to make them pretty. I paint large walls, my largest being the World of Clothing in Hendersonville. It is 500'x20'. I love painting 20' in the air on a lift and watching the sunset. It is a spiritual place for sure.

3. Who or what is your biggest inspiration?

Veterans are my biggest inspiration. I want them to know I appreciate their service and I do not take it for granted. My favorite pieces to paint are those that honor veterans. My veterans mural in downtown Hendersonville won Most Striking mural in the Nation in 2016, and it told a story of local veterans. I hope they get the recognition they deserve from this award and the exposure.

4. What is most important to you in your art?

I want to tell a story. I am typically very detailed, so I want everyone to be happier after seeing my art. 

5. What do you think makes you different from other artists?

I have no training and I don't paint anything small usually. 99 percent of my work is large scale murals. I have painted murals all over the South East from Florida to Charlotte. Most artists paint small scale on canvas, but I have never really done that.

6. What are some challenges you have faced in your work?

I had a lift break down a couple of weeks ago. I was trapped on one a few years back for a couple of hours. Painting wise, I am self taught so I would say teaching myself how to blend and what brushes to use was an adventure. 

7. What are your goals for the future as an artist?

I would love to paint an American flag in every state on a mural. That is my goal. 


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