Interior Design: For the Love of Dog!

By Megan Garrett Bales, Principal Co-Founder of Dolce Design Co.

Being an extreme dog-lover comes with its fair share of challenges. More than 70% of our clients have dogs, and the fear that they all share is that they will have to design only for and around their dogs, and not themselves. Many delay getting a new design or “nice furniture” due to the presence of doggos in the home. I’m here to tell you that while you certainly need to design with your fluffers in mind, you do NOT have to sacrifice a beautiful home to do so. There are a myriad of simple techniques and products that you can use to create a gorgeous room (and home!) that is a safe and happy place for you and your four legged friends. 

Considering a new design in your home? You have the benefit of making the wisest choices at the beginning of this journey, which is great news! If you hire an interior designer, they will be able to assist you in finding these solutions, and helping the investment in your home work for you and your fur family. These are a few of the key elements to consider for the selection, protection, and maintenance of your furniture and your design for a happy fur-loving household:

The fabric that you choose is paramount. AND JUST SAY NO TO MICROFIBER! Try a Performance fabric! There are several performance fabric manufacturers these days that create incredible, durable fabrics that are pet friendly. A new kid on the block is Revolution fabrics, which are bleach cleanable, made of recycled materials, and have the look of natural fibers. If not going with a performance fabric, choose synthetic fabrics that are dark in color so that smaller smudges aren’t as apparent, and can be cleaned without damaging the cloth. Getting fabrics that are in similar color tones as your fur babies is also helpful. Choose fabrics that have a small and tight weave, this way paws and claws don’t get caught on them and pull the individual fibers. 

If you have an opportunity to use a pattern, DO IT! Patterns will hide fur and small indiscretions much more easily than solids. While you may not want a pattern on a large piece like a sofa, it’s great for accent chairs and ottomans. Use heavy fabrics instead of lightweight fabrics, especially if you have big paws encountering your furniture pieces. This will maximize the wear that your upholstery can handle without looking phased. Find fabrics with a surface that will not hold onto your particular texture of fur baby’s hair. The best way to test this is to take a swatch of fabric and rub it on your dog for a few seconds, and see how easily the hairs come off with just a pat or a wipe. If the hairs are sticking into the weave, it’s gonna be a nightmare trying to keep fur off of your pieces. 

If you’ve ever had a large dog (or dogs) on the sofa, you know that it’s your job to find a place to acrobatically squeeze into whatever space remains. To counter this, switch out the coffee table for a big soft ottoman. I have found that my pups tend to gravitate towards the ottoman instead of the sofa when movie time comes, clearing up the sofa for humans. It also provides a comfy resting place for your tootsies, and a soft surface that boisterous pups (and kiddos) are less likely to knock into. 

Invest in quality if you are able! Poor quality pieces will not stand up to the wear and tear that your household is sure to inflict upon it. A knee jerk reaction of pet-owners is typically to avoid investing in nice pieces “because of the dog”. But this just leaves them with toxic, uncomfortable,and ugly furniture that wears out quickly and is a beast to maintain. American-made and European made upholstery are the way to go. Not only to keep dangerous chemicals out of your home, but to create comfort, and beauty, and minimize the maintenance it requires to keep your pieces looking their best. If budget is a big factor, It’s better to get a used high-quality piece, than a brand new “throw away” piece. 

If you’re already working with existing pieces, an easy solution to dog-wear on your upholstered pieces is to use a decorative blanket to cover their “usual spot”. This will help immensely in preventing uneven wear based on favorite napping zones. You can use durable throws that can easily go in the wash and rotate them, but for ultimate protection I personally adore’s pup blankets. They’re thick on the base so they prevent claws from poking through, and are liquid proof. They have gorgeous styles that look sexy with any decor. 

Whether getting new pieces, or working with what you have, protect your furniture!  Aside from performance fabrics, most fabrics require additional protection to keep looking their best and prevent staining. Not all protection is created equal, so be sure to research before you select your method, as many can contain dangerous toxins. Fiberseal is a great non-toxic fabric protection that can be applied once the furniture is in your home. This will basically add the protection and durability of a performance fabric. 

Specific flooring selections can make your life easier with puppy friends! Water-proof or water resistant flooring is key. Flooring companies make gorgeous luxury vinyl and luxury laminate flooring these days that is water-resistant and looks like real wood. Not only are these beautiful and sustainable solutions, but they will prevent any liquid accidents from completely ruining your floor. A great nontoxic flooring solution is Pergo waterproof laminate. It comes in many natural wood finishes, and is water resistant enough even to use in bathrooms and kitchens!

Rugs are another area where selection is very important. If possible, use darker rugs or rugs with pattern on them to hide smaller indiscretions. A cut pile rug instead of a looped pile will prevent claws from catching and pulling the fibers. Added protection like Fiberseal is also recommended for rugs in the home, and makes cleanup a breeze. Rug pads are PIVOTAL, as they will prevent wear, and keep your rugs in place while pups happily scrabble around or run on them.

For older dogs, wood, vinyl and tile floors can be very slippery and hard to navigate. So if you have a senior or slip-prone doggie in the home, it is important to have soft surfaces every few feet to ensure that they have grip. Runners are a great way to add this assistance in hallways, and in smaller rooms. Decorative stair-runners are another must have for doggo parents, because they are beautiful and keep pups (and humans!) from slipping and sliding down otherwise dangerous steps. 

It is possible to be a real-life human being who can have nice things AND have dogs! With a bit of consideration, you can have a home that looks and feels amazing for you and your pups. Too many people think you have to sacrifice comfort and quality or style if you have pets, but it's just not true. Do your research and make informed selections that align with you and your fur family’s needs. If you follow these simple techniques of selection, protection, and maintenance, everyone can have a next-level space that’s ready for playing, snuggling and booping with their furry friends!

Written by Megan Garrett Bales of Dolce Design Co

321 E Chapel Hill St #203 Durham, NC 27701


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