Singer-Songwriter Lee Newton Discovers the ‘Strength of a Woman’

Written by Meg Hale Brunton 

Photo Credit: Buffy Jones

Just three years ago, Country singer and songwriter Lee Newton was struggling to escape an abusive marriage. “I went many years just trying to make everything look perfect on the outside. It finally came down to a point where it got really bad,” she says. When her husband hurt her in front of their son, Cash, she knew she had to leave. “I grabbed my little boy, and ran. I had nothing with me.”

During that moment, Lee also felt she was given a gift from God to write beautiful songs. While she was on her way to the lawyer’s office, she began writing the song ‘Strength of a Woman’ about the day she left. By the time she came back home, she had the entire song written. ‘Strength of a Woman’ is now an anthem for many women who have been through difficult times in their lives. “Even after three years, I’m still receiving these inspirational stories from all these women. This song helps so many different women who are going through so much in their lives,” Lee says. 

Lee grew up in Canton, North Carolina in a run-down house with mold and cockroaches. Lee’s father worked long hours as a cab driver, her mother suffered from depression, and the family was always struggling to make ends meet. But Lee credits the way she grew up for molding her into who she is today. Lee says, “how I grew up not only made me the musician I am today, but it has also made me the person I am today. I remember just being so alone all the time. But being alone gave me such an imagination, and I became such a dreamer. My dad gave me so many lessons, I don’t think he even realized he was giving at the time. That’s just stuff money can’t buy.” She also credits her father with instilling in her a love of music. He named her after the famous singer, Brenda Lee, and he taught her how to play the guitar. 

While Lee loves the traditional country music genre, she also loves doing country songs with her own style. “I love being able to add my flare to it. I love to write my songs, tell my stories. When you write it for yourself, it affects so many people,” she describes. “As a songwriter, I love writing and singing my songs from the heart. Even if it’s something I didn’t write, I love picking songs that have a good meaning to them.” Her first album, Undamaged, was released in 2021 and won EP Album of the Year for the Josie Music Awards. Her second album, Unleeshed, was released in April 2022. It hit #1 on the independent music charts and won the Josie Award for Traditional Country Album of the Year. Her third and fourth albums, From the Heart and Crossroads, were released just this year.

ABOVE PHOTO CREDITS: William L Armonitis

Now a three-time Josie Music Award winner, including Vocalist of the Year in 2020, Lee is working on her fifth album, Unplugged. She is currently nominated for eight Josie awards for 2023. As for her writing, Lee is excited to be growing and expanding. “I’ve spent the last three years telling stories of my childhood. I’m looking forward to writing love songs going forward.”

On June 24th, 2022, Lee married singer/songwriter Dale Houston at the Johnny Cash Farm in Tennessee. The two recently released a love duet, called ‘Burning Boats’ that is currently up for Vocal Collaboration of the year. They also recorded a song together for the first dance at their wedding. “My relationship now is so amazing. I have more now than I’ve ever dreamed of. I’ve never had anybody to help me shine, so to have somebody who actually gets it, and is 150% behind me just means the world.”

Lee offers encouragement to women who are going through hard times: “As strong women, we are going to go through things. It’s okay to have those moments. But we can’t stay in those ruts and instead can use what we go through.” Lee says she has learned from her experiences and always tries to stay positive. “I am a woman that tries to see the good in everybody. We can do anything we put our minds to do. I’m living proof of it. If I were to leave this earth right now, I would want people to always look at my name and have a smile on their face and know that I have brought some kind of joy to their hearts. I want to leave that kind of legacy.”

For more information on Lee Newton, visit her website:


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